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About US 

Learn more about the Melanated Authors by reading this article!


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Natoia Franklin, M.Ed.

Author of Mason and His SuperPower


Natoia Franklin is an Educator, Amazon Best-Selling Author, Holistic Health Coach, and Educational Consultant.  She spent 12 years in public education serving roles such as: elementary teacher, middle school teacher, Literacy Leader, and Instructional Coach.  After resigning from public education, she pursued entrepreneurship full time.  As a business owner of several businesses, including Serenity Life Fitness, Inc, she has developed programs that focus on children's physical, social, emotional, mental, and academic development. 


She received her Bachelor's Degree of Arts in Education from Lake Forest College, a Masters of Arts in Reading Education from Concordia University, and several other health and wellness certifications.


She currently serves over 500 children in Lake County, IL.  She is passionate about helping children in underserved communities reach their highest potential.  As a Holistic Health Coach, she believes that optimal health is first achieved internally, then manifests in the physical body.  When she is not writing, coaching, consulting, or teaching, she is busy being a wife and a mother to her four children.  


Lesley Bracero, M.Ed.

Author of Love is a Sacrifice 

I have worked as an Early Childhood Educator for more than 30 years serving in various roles from classroom teacher to building-level administrator.  I have been given many accolades for my performance as an educator including Teacher of the Year.


I earned my Bachelor of Arts degree from Tuskegee University, Master of Arts in Reading from Northeastern Illinois University, and Master of Education from the American College of Education.  I am a public speaker, poet, and theatrical performer.  


I am passionate about working with children in particular "melanated children", and I work tirelessly to instill a in them a love of reading. I am happily married to my husband, Angel Bracero, and enjoy traveling and visiting historical sites together.  

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